Zodiac Tri-XO Crossover Salt Chlorinators
Zodiac TRi-XO chlorinators are high-quality units, that have the added benefit of being able to ‘CrossOver’ from using traditional salt chlorination to also mineral chlorination.
The Zodiac TRi-XO CrossOver provides great performance, but also has the flexibility of sanitising your pool through traditional salt chlorination or CrossOver using mineral salts. You can CrossOver at anytime, so even if you begin using salt you can reset the software and reconfigure to use minerals.
- A simple to use control interface
- Easy to setup
- Built-In timers
- Long-life Reverse Polarity electrode plates for increased cell life
- Boost mode - for when you need a little extra
- Low/Spa Mode makes it ideal for pool/spa combo pools
- 40 and 50mm plumbing ports
- Designed in Australia
Warranty: 3 years on power pack and cell
FWW000019 - Tri XO Mid
FWW000020 - Tri XO Large
Zodiac Tri-XO Crossover Salt Chlorinators
PriceFrom $1,785.00
GST Included |
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